PCI DSS, NIST and HIPAA Compliance


InBlue IT Solutions, Inc. team are trained to help organizations and businesses become and stay in compliance with the following requirements:

PCI DSS compliance is a requirement for any organization that is involved in a transaction, such as processing, storing, or transferring payment information. This encompasses both online businesses and companies that process payments, store data, and more. Being PCI compliant shows major credit card companies and banks that you are a reliable organization.

HIPAA compliance applies to select types of organizations that are listed in the legislation as ‘covered entities’. This encompasses healthcare providers, health insurance companies, HMOs, and various other categories.

NIST compliance involves adhering to rules set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a government agency in the United States. It sets measurable standards, develops technology, and provides metrics that aim to drive innovation and industrial competitiveness. NIST seeks to promote these in a way that enhances economic security and enhances the overall quality of life.

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